How Millennials Are Using Numerology To Find Their Ideal Partner



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Ever open your phone and note with gravitas that the time is 11:11? Do you feel a deep pessimism about sitting in seat 13 on a flight? Did the album 22, A Million mean so much to you?

If any of those happenings chime with you, then you’re not alone; as Grazia reported back in 2018, an increasing number of ‘quasi-spiritual’ millennials are talking about numerology.

Numerology has been around for millenia, but many people are still often unaware of how it supposedly works. In short, it is the belief that there is a mystical relationship between numbers and important (and, sometimes, unimportant) milestones in your life. It is also about studying the significance of numbers in letters, words, and names. Numerology also has close ties to astrology and the paranormal, too.

If this doesn’t sound like your sort of thing, then you know where the back button is. But if you’re curious, intrigued or a firm believer in the power of digits, then you’ve come to the right place.

You’re probably wondering just how you can make numerology work for you? And, as is usually the case, can we presume that ‘work for you’ translates into helping you find love? 

If you take the time to understand it and get an idea of how numerology works, some even believe you can use it to help find your perfect match. Just a bit of fun, sure, but you never know, right? Here’s how millennials are using numerology to find their IDEAL partner.

Firstly, Find Your Life Path Number

The first thing that you are going to want to look at is your life path number. If you don’t know how to calculate it, don’t worry; there are plenty of websites online that will enumerate it for you via a simple path life calculator

But if you are keen to figure out the number yourself, you can find this number yourself by adding up all the digits of your birthdate (Y+Y+Y+Y+M+M+D+D). If you get a multi-digit number other than eleven or twenty-two, add up all of the digits. 

Still with us? Good. 

Keep doing this until you have a single number, and then look up what that means; you might be surprised just how prescient this path number can be! For instance, IDEAL’s path number turned out to be 5, which is suggestive of inquisitiveness, intelligence and communication skills…hey, they might be onto something here you know.

Ideally, you’ll also have to calculate your potential partner’s life path number, too. Admittedly, approaching random strangers and asking them their birthday might be construed as being a little creepy, so perhaps only use these calculations with folk you already know well.

Life Path 1

People whose life path is 1 are what are known as gatherers. They enjoy the company of people and love to be around big groups, immersed in an enthusiastic atmosphere. That said, they don’t like to open up about things too much themselves, and find comfort in a crowd for this reason. This social nature is often appreciated by millennials, who value community and connection.

People with this number will generally have a large circle of friends, however, they tend to have a more close knit, concentrated group, too, of which they are fiercely loyal to. When in a relationship, they will put 100% into the person they are seeing and expect it back. If you aren’t willing to give back to them, it isn’t going to work out.

Perfect Match: 3

Compatible With: 1, 5, and 9

Life Path 2

Those who have a life path number of 2 are sensitive, empathetic and only seek strong and deep relationships and friendships. They will often put other people first and are extremely protective of all of their friends. If you are dating someone who is a 2, your emotions are going to dictate the pace of the relationship.

This aligns with many millennials’ focus on emotional intelligence and meaningful connections.

Perfect Match: 6

Compatible With: 4, 6, and 8

Life Path 3

Those who are on life path 3 are known as the popular and outgoing. They love to be incredibly social and relish being the centre of attention in conversations. If someone is a 3, they can easily seduce you and win you over. People who are 3’s are also not afraid of challenges, especially in love. They are accepting of long-distance relationships and will do what is necessary to make them work.

This trait is often seen in millennials, who enjoy engaging in dynamic social environments.

Perfect Match: 6

Compatible With: 1, 7, and 8

Life Path 4

Number 4s are organised in their working life and their love life. They want to avoid drama, complication and tend to value clear communication. Though do enjoy some excitement, they don’t want to be the ones who plan it. Therefore, you are going to have to enjoy being in control if you are dating them. 

This pragmatic approach is appreciated by millennials, who often seek stability and transparency in their relationships.

Perfect Match: 6

Compatible With: 2, 4, and 8

Life Path 5

It’s us! 5s are proud sapiosexuals and are drawn to intelligent partners first and foremost. While your looks will also play a role, they are mainly interested in who you are as a person, your thoughts and your ambitions. These people want someone who is busy and driven, but even more importantly, someone who is able to engage in deep conversation.

This preference for intellectual connection is often seen among millennials, who value meaningful and stimulating conversations.

Perfect Match: 9

Compatible With: 1, 5, and 8

Life Path 6

If you are under life path 6, you are generally a very easy-going person who doesn’t take life too seriously. You enjoy going with the flow and being spontaneous and, generally, it takes a lot to get you riled up. People who are on this path will avoid confrontation and tend to steer away from deep, immersive conversations and interactions.

This carefree attitude is common among millennials, who often value experiences over material possessions.

Perfect Match: 3

Compatible With: 2, 4, and 6

Life Path 7

People in this life path are true romantics and have had dreams of their ideal wedding day since they were young. When it comes to a relationship, they seek perfection and, at times, can be picky. That being said, when a number 7 finds a partner, they consider it a lifelong relationship. As such, they are faithful and loyal.

This idealistic view of love is something many millennials can relate to, as they often seek deep, meaningful partnerships.

Perfect Match: 2

Compatible With: 3, 5, and 9

Life Path 8

Speaking of faithful companions, those on a life path of number 8 will be there for you come rain or shine. This loyalty and dedication are qualities that resonate with millennials, who value trust and reliability in their relationships.

Because of this, they can sometimes come across as needy, and expect your undivided attention. When it comes to planning, they like to be in charge as they don’t want anything unexpected to happen, and don’t exactly savour spontaneity, to put it mildly.

Should you quarrel with a life path 8, they aren’t stubborn, and will work through problems you experience as a couple in a measured, diplomatic way.

Perfect Match: 8

Compatible With: 2, 3, and 6

Life Path 9

These are the people who want to continue doing their own thing, even if they are in a relationship. Independence is important for them and can sometimes be misconstrued as disloyalty. This independent streak is often seen in millennials, who value personal growth and freedom.

A person on this life path might have trouble being faithful as they can be tempted to cheat, especially if they are not fully interested in their current partner. That said, their independent nature can be incredibly attractive.

Perfect Match: 3

Compatible With: 2, 5, and 7

The Bottom Line

Whilst this is only intended as a bit of fun, and shouldn’t be used as genuine relationship or life advice, numerology has been used since ancient times to guide people’s decisions, particularly in their love lives. Perhaps there’s some truth to it, after all?

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