How To Keep Your Home Safe & Secure While You’re On Holiday

It’s the stuff of nightmares. A meticulous, time consuming online search bagged you the cheapest flights on the market. You’ve folded clothes with precision, packed your suitcase diligently, weighed it at home to make sure it adheres to the 20kg limit, checked and double checked the whereabouts of your passport, made photocopies of everything…..And only when your seatbelt is fastened and all electronics switched to airplane mode, do you realise you’ve left the bedroom window open. Extreme example? Perhaps. Holiday ruined? Most likely.

Top Tips For Keeping Your Home Safe When You’re Not There

What we’re trying to say with this drawn out allegory is that only when your home is safe and secure can you enjoy true peace of mind while away on holiday. So, here are some top tips on how to keep your home safe and secure when you’re away.

Don’t Share Your Location Publicly

Yep, we realise it’s the main reason for posting on social media; to elicit the green eyed monster in friends and strangers alike at just how much far flung fun you’re having. But how can I make everyone jealous of my best life without sharing my location, we hear you ask. They might think this idyllic scene is in fact in Croydon……

Well, we’ll tell you what your Instagram followers won’t be envious of, and that’s your empty house following a burglary. ‘Collect memories, not things’ you’ll mutter, but you won’t be fooling anyone.

So, be wary of tagging your exact location in photos you publish online, as you’ll be alerting the world to the fact that your house is unoccupied if you do. Should you be desperate to announce you’re far from home, make your Instagram account private or Facebook messages only visible to friends for that little extra blanket of security.


Check Your Locks

Basic preventative measures are key (pun intended) when it comes to keeping your home safe while you travel and none more so than, prior to departure, ensuring all your locks are in good working condition. Before you jet off, check all the window and door locks in your home are working, should any falter or show obvious signs of damage, then get them replaced by a professional locksmith.

We spoke to the home security experts at My Key Locksmiths, and they advised that even if your locks are functioning at full capacity, it’s important to make sure you have the right window and door locks in place so your home insurance is valid; some companies demand a certain type of lock for a full, comprehensive payout to be credible.

Luckily, many locksmiths operate 24/7 which means they’re on hand day and night to change your locks. So if your flight’s first thing in the morning and you require last minute lock repair, replacement or even security upgrades, you can still secure your home before you fly.


Neighbourhood Watch

Enlisting the help of friendly neighbours to keep their peepers on proceedings in your absence is a good way of achieving a certain serenity while you’re away, as they can keep you posted on goings on. Within reason, of course; ‘house still not burgled’ isn’t a necessary daily update while you’re tanning by the pool. Their presence though, for instance in your garden doing a bit of watering, can act as a deterrent to would be burglars, as well as a source of supervision. Remember to give your neighbour a spare set of keys just in case they need access to the house.

If you’d rather not hand out a spare, consider upgrading your home security system with a smart lock door. These clever locks allow you to unlock the door remotely, using your smartphone from the comfort of your sun lounger. You can grant temporary access to your neighbours with expiring codes or set access codes for specific days and times.


Avoid Doorstep Pile-Ups

Straight from the old school with this one, but still a pertinent point and one which could be modernised by applying the same logic to Amazon deliveries and the like. Cancelling the daily newspaper or milk is a wise move before you set off, and not just for your wallet. A build up of stuff on your doorstep indicates either an extremely lazy resident lives here, a decomposing body lies inside, or more likely, no one is present.

You should also give directions for packages arriving from the Royal Mail, ASOS et al, to place deliveries in a secure, hidden location for the same reason. That friendly neighbour of yours to the rescue again!

Utilise Light Timers & Smart Bulbs

Before you head off on your jollies, consider investing in light timers or smart bulbs that can be controlled remotely. These devices can be programmed to switch on and off at varying times, giving the impression that someone is home. It’s a simple yet effective deterrent for any potential intruder who might be casing the neighbourhood.

Smart bulbs can be controlled via an app on your smartphone, allowing you to alter the lighting patterns as needed, ensuring that your home doesn’t stick to a predictable schedule that could tip off burglars to your absence.

Secure Valuables In A Safe Or Safety Deposit Box

If you’re leaving behind jewellery, important documents, or other valuables, it’s prudent to secure them in a safe that’s bolted to the floor or wall. For items of significant value or importance, consider using a bank’s safety deposit box for the duration of your holiday. This not only protects your items from theft but also from potential damage due to any unforeseen incidents at home, such as fires or floods. It’s a small step that can save you a great deal of heartache upon your return.

Arrange For Regular Property Maintenance

An overgrown garden or an accumulation of leaves and debris can be tell-tale signs that a property has been left unattended. Arrange for a gardener or a maintenance service to keep up with the outdoor upkeep of your property. This could include mowing the lawn, pruning the hedges, or simply keeping the front of the house tidy. This not only maintains the kerb appeal of your home but also sends a message that the property is being looked after, further deterring any potential intruders.

The Bottom Line

Taking these proactive steps can significantly bolster the security of your home and provide you with the tranquillity you deserve while on holiday. From the clever use of technology to simulate occupancy, to the safeguarding of your personal treasures and the upkeep of your property’s appearance, each measure plays a crucial role in deterring potential intruders.

Remember, the goal is to make your home a less attractive target and to avoid any tell-tale signs of absence. By doing so, you can embark on your adventures with confidence, knowing that you’ve left your sanctuary as secure as a fortress. Enjoy your holiday, and may you return to find everything just as you left it—safe, secure, and waiting to welcome you back.

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