How To Live A More Vintage Lifestyle In 2024

Retro, vintage, old fashioned…call it what you like, but after the few years we’ve all had, there’s huge comfort to be found in looking backwards and luxuriating in the distant past a little.

The rush of the modern world – even before the recent stressful business of a global pandemic, geopolitical turmoil and ongoing cost of living crisis – can be overwhelming, to say the least. As a counterpoint, some are endeavouring to embrace a slower pace to life more in tune with days gone by.

Living A More Vintage Lifestyle This Year

You know what? We think we might join them. For a more humble way of doing things, here’s how to live a more vintage lifestyle in 2024.

Second Hand Clothes

In the 50s and 60s, people dressed to impress when heading out, which is why fashion from these particular decades still has a profound following even today. However, with so many still working from home, it’s no surprise that many have lost interest in fashion and prefer to just keep comfortable instead.

But to keenly encapsulate that vintage lifestyle, you’re going to need not only to dress the part, but also limit your environmental impact in doing so. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean going out and buying a whole new wardrobe. Because while people’s interpretation of the term differs, a generally accepted definition of ‘vintage’ is anything more than 20 years old

This means that a simple effort to only buy second hand clothes or wearing hand-me-downs is in tune with the lifestyle, and is an ethical, environmentally friendly way to shop.

Read: 5 IDEAL ways to live a retro life in London 

Buy Pre-Loved Items

Speaking of which…

Previous generations adopted a ‘Make do and Mend’ attitude that promoted the idea of fixing items that were already owned as opposed to buying new ones.

Today, most people don’t tend to prioritise purchasing second-hand goods and simply go to high-street retailers for convenience. This is not only expensive but also contributes to ever-growing landfill sites. 

Why not set yourself the challenge of buying only pre-loved items instead of brand-new ones? This will not only save you money but also allows you to do your bit for the environment – a world not on the brink of environmental catastrophe? Very vintage, indeed. 

This isn’t only about clothes, of course. Antique items of all shapes and sizes possess an interesting past and story to tell which makes them so much more unique than purchasing new ones. Vintage engagement rings, for example, have lived a life before they reach you, which makes this piece of jewellery even more special. If you’re keen to choose your own engagement ring, an antique ring may be an option you’d like to consider.

Don’t stop there. Back to considering clothes, London is a treasure trove of vintage outlets where you can find carefully curated second-hand garments that don’t cost the earth. Beyond Retro (Brick Lane, Soho, Dalston) is an all time favourite. With vaulted ceilings and an enormous open floor plan, the space which was once a former factory is now a chic vintage hangout where you can peruse racks of handpicked retro clothing. 

There are pop-up vintage fairs all over the city. Indeed the aptly named Pop Up Vintage Fairs London hosts authentic vintage events across the capital, attracting some of the the best handpicked vintage traders from all over Europe to sell their vintage wares.  Another one not to be missed is Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair where the traders are cherry picked offering an authentic & eclectic mix of vintage clobber.

Embrace Classic Transport

In an era where electric cars and modern vehicles dominate the roads, stepping back in time with a classic car can be a thrilling experience. Owning a vintage car isn’t just about transportation; it’s about embracing a piece of history and the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

Attend classic car shows, join vintage car clubs, and if possible, invest in a classic model that resonates with your style. With plenty of classic kit cars for sale right now, there might be something within driving distance that suits your new desire for the vintage!

Not only will you turn heads as you cruise down the street, but you’ll also gain a deeper appreciation for the automotive designs of the past. Remember to consider the environmental impact and explore ways to run your classic car more cleanly, such as using biofuels.

Create A Vintage Soundtrack

Music is a powerful time machine. Curate a playlist of hits from your favourite vintage era, whether it’s the swinging sounds of the 60s, the glam rock of the 70s, or the synth-pop of the 80s. Vinyl records have seen a resurgence in popularity, so consider investing in a record player and building a collection of original or reissued vinyl for an authentic listening experience.

Engage In Retro Hobbies

Take up pastimes that were popular in the era you admire. Whether it’s swing dancing, knitting, model building, or playing board games, these activities can provide a delightful escape from the digital-heavy entertainment of today. They also offer a chance to socialise in a more personal and engaged way.

Revisit Classic Literature

Swap out your e-reader for physical books, particularly those with classic, hardback covers that evoke a sense of nostalgia. Create a reading nook in your home where you can enjoy literature from or about your favourite era. This not only enriches your understanding of the period but also provides a break from modern-day screens.

Read: 9 smart, simple ways to help you get back into reading today

Host Vintage Movie Nights

Organise movie nights where you screen films from the golden age of cinema. Invite friends over to watch timeless classics or cult favourites on a projector to mimic the experience of going to an old-fashioned cinema. Don’t forget to serve popcorn in vintage-style containers!

Nostalgic Foodie Favourites

As reported by the BBC, over lockdown supermarkets saw also  “a hike in the popularity of readymade retro foods”. It seems that many dishes that graced dinner tables during decades gone by have become popular again. Think Chicken Kiev, Crepes Suzette and Prawn Cocktail, for starters. 

Learn to cook some of the classics and throw a retro throw your friends over for a retro-themed dinner party. Start with devilled eggs or vol-au-vents filled with mushrooms, the latter of which were once the height of sophistication for your starter.

For the main, look back to the 1960’s where food was influenced by the likes of Julia Child when French-inspired cuisine rose in popularity. Her beef boeuf bourguignon is perhaps her most famous dish, and in her words ”certainly one of the most delicious beef dishes concocted by man”. Odd statement, considering she’s a woman, but anyway…

If you’re not a fan of beef, chicken à la King is another classic dinner party favourite. For dessert, it has to be flambeed Crêpes Suzette, which is, quite frankly, timeless. 


Regardless of whether it’s work-related or for personal use, many (scrap that…all) of us struggle to put down our phones and simply appreciate the world around us. 

Let’s face it; most texts and emails aren’t urgent, and very few would have mattered in a more ‘vintage’ era. To enjoy a more untroubled approach to life and slow things down, spending less time on the screen, with the digital clock always on view and with reminders and notifications constantly demanding your attention, it’s time to put the screens away a while.

Give yourself a break by going on a digital detox – even just for a few days – and you’re likely to feel all the better for it. 

Write A Letter

When was the last time you picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter to a loved one? It’s now become the norm to contact family and friends across the world via text or social media, which can sometimes lack meaning or, worse, leave messages prone to misunderstanding.

A hand-written letter, however, has much more significance. Why? Because you have to think carefully about what you’re going to say, physically write your thoughts down, place the letter in an envelope and travel to the post box. Something so simple can have a profound effect on another individual yet doesn’t take much time out of your day. You might even get a letter in response that can be cherished for years to come. 

Let’s put it this way; you wouldn’t keep a text message framed or treasured for decades, now would you? A letter on the other hand…

Give Your Home A Vintage Makeover

Retro interior design can mean different things to different people. Broadly speaking, it covers various styles from the 1950s onwards, but really, such a term is relative. As the saying goes ‘old school is in the eyes of the beholder’. Perhaps that’s not quite right, but you get what we mean, don’t you? Anyway, check out our article on 4 interior design ideas for a retro-inspired living room for a little inspiration.  

Going vintage doesn’t mean you have to go overboard with retro makeover. As the guys at Decoist suggest “Instead of opting for an entirely retro theme, the more innovative style is to introduce cool Mid-Century modern chairs, an orb-style fireplace, patterned rugs or select retro pieces that enhance the existing contemporary style of your home”. 

When giving your home a vintage makeover, consider the decorating techniques from the era you’re emulating. Learn about the wallpaper patterns, paint colours, and DIY touches that were all the rage. Techniques like rag-rolling, sponging, and stencilling can add an authentic vintage feel to your walls and furniture.

Read: A guide to cleaning and maintaining your vintage furniture

Consider A Vintage Job

If you want to live and breathe vintage, consider a vintage style job. 

The Guys over at Total jobs suggest becoming a contribute for a Vintage Magazine such as Pretty Nostalgic and say that “As a contributor on a vintage magazine like this, you’d deal with a wide range of ever changing features including craft and cookery, vintage fashion, local shops and farmers markets and sustainable living ideas all nestled nicely in between articles focusing on stories and experiences from the past.”

Better yet, you could start your own vintage store. As reported recently by the BBC, buying vintage clothes is the new luxury and the trend of buying vintage is only set to continue. 

There are also lots of vintage themed pubs and restaurants which celebrate all things vintage that could use a new chef, waiter or manager. Could it be you?

Alternatively, why not consider learning a craft or trade that harks back to earlier times, such as woodworking, leatherworking, or letterpress printing. Not only do these skills offer a creative outlet, but they also allow you to create items with a personal touch that modern, mass-produced goods lack.

The Bottom Line

Embracing a vintage lifestyle in 2024 is about more than just aesthetics; it’s a conscious choice to slow down and appreciate the timeless beauty and craftsmanship of the past. By integrating these tips into your daily life, you can create a rich tapestry of experiences that pay homage to bygone eras while still enjoying the comforts of today.

Whether you’re behind the wheel of a classic car, dropping the needle on a vinyl record, or penning a heartfelt letter, each step back in time is a step towards a more thoughtful and distinctive way of living. So, go ahead and infuse your life with a touch of the vintage — your future self will thank you for the nostalgia-laden journey.

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