If you’re wondering how to welcome spring into your home, you’ve come to the right place. After a long, sometimes chilly winter, the first shoots of spring always bring about a seismic shift in the spirits. In the current climate, it’s a little harder to feel optimistic. But with so many of us preparing for an unseasonably late hibernation (or, as the experts put it, ‘self isolation’), it’s never been more important to let the positivity of Spring into the domestic space. You don’t have to endure the next few weeks of house arrest in a dark, dingy space. Quite the opposite in fact; here are 5 ways to welcome Spring into your home.


Spring symbolises rebirth, particularly in the colour palette of interior design. Because it’s essentially decided by nature, with grey sky lightened by bright rays of the sun, forests bathed in green and grasslands decorated by brightly coloured buds, spring colour schemes indoors should follow suit. 

To channel those optimistic spring vibes, replicate the changing view from your window by adding more colour to your home interior. Begin with easy to replace, transient items like dishtowels, throws, new cushions covers…you get the picture, now paint it something bright and pastelly. Continue this overhaul around the house. Rather than buying a whole new sofa, simply pick bright, thin, breathable chair covers, such as these IKEA numbers from Comfortly, and breathe a new lease of life into your furniture.


There’s no better way of enriching the interior design space, especially when channelling the bright energy of Spring, than by incorporating flowers and plants. Flowers like tulips and daffodils will add colour, life and a pleasant aroma – and all for a cheap price. The important rule here is to create a consistent colour scheme, rather than throwing the full range of the rainbow at it, so pick a few tones that belong to the same colour family and use them throughout the whole home. Check out our tips on how to bring nature into your home for more inspiration than this paragraph could pack in.


In winter, our fabrics are thick and heavily knitted, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. But when the temperatures start to warm, the evenings lighten and the moods loosen up, we want to replicate that in our home. Celebrate the new season with lighter blankets, brighter furniture covers and a benching of the wool rugs and thick duvets until Autumn. 


You’ve surely already noticed the sun beginning to stream in through the windows with a newfound confidence. Man, how good does it feel? But what preparations should be taken to encourage those rays inside? Nothing difficult or special, here; you can paint a pretty picture but you can’t predict the weather, after all. 

Just scrub your windows from both sides – inside and out – and make sure there’s no dirt or dust left which might obscure nature’s greatest sight. Dusting blinds and laundering curtains will refresh the sun’s entry point into your home further. In welcoming the sun inside, you’ll notice a lift in your mood; essential in this trying times, we think.


Spring’s glorious onset is the perfect time to pack away the scents synonymous with the colder months – of cinnamon, pumpkin, and nutmeg – and embrace the power of new aroma around the home. We’re thinking eucalyptus, blossom, lavender, as well as fresh fruit flavours like strawberry, lemon and even a little vanilla. Intoxicating, indeed.

So, there you have it. Fling open those windows, introduce the chair covers to your IKEA sofa, light a Spring scented candle which evokes the freshness of the season, pot them daffodils in a vase, and take to self-isolation with an optimism and positivity that only a new season could evoke. Good luck and we’ll see you on the other side!

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