You’ve found the perfect job. But it’s 200 miles away. What you should you do? Changing job can be daunting enough, but when you throw in a house move, a brand new company and a new area to get used to, it’s a lot to take in. If you’re weighing up a job offer, here are some pros and cons to bear in mind.
How long have you wanted a new job? Have you been dreaming of a position like this for as long as you can remember? Sometimes, we have to compromise to get where we want to be, and if opportunities come along, it’s a shame to pass them up. You never know if another opening will crop up, especially if the industry is very competitive or you have a very specific skill set. If you make the move, you’ll be taking advantage of opportunities offered to you, and you’ll get the chance to do something you enjoy every day.
How often do you wish you’d done things differently. Regret may not be something you’re too familiar with at the moment, but fast-forward a few years and how will you feel if you let that golden ticket pass you by? If you give things a go, even if they don’t quite go to plan, at least you can live without regret.
Life can be much easier when we’re settled into a routine, and everything around is familiar. But sometimes, it’s good to challenge yourself and embrace the chance to enjoy new experiences and adventures. Moving isn’t just about doing something different at work. It could also introduce you to new people and encourage you to try new things.

Most people rate moving as one of the most stressful things you can do, but there are ways of making it much easier. If you plan ahead, it’s possible to get things sorted with minimal fuss, using shipping services such as those provided by Sherpr or Shiply, both of whom offer logistical and physical assistance.
Alternatively and you get friends and family to lend a hand. It’s not ideal spending hours packing and unpacking boxes, but at least there’s a fantastic reward on offer at the other end.
One of the biggest concerns people have about moving away is saying goodbye to friends and relatives. When you’ve got a circle around you, it’s lovely to be able to meet up frequently and get together. When you’re in a new place, the impetus is on you to forge new friendships, and it may take a little while to adjust. The good news is that it’s easier than ever to keep in touch, and you can always invite visitors to stay and pop back home at the weekends.
Moving house is daunting enough without throwing a new job into the mix as well. If you’ve been offered your dream role, don’t give it up just because it’s not close to home. Consider your options carefully, and weigh up the pros and the cons. You don’t need to make a split decision, so take your time, and make sure you’re doing the right thing for you.