Here’s a statistic to get your teeth into: a whopping 39% of the population have had nightmares about their nashers falling out, according to the Sleep Foundation.
But this isn’t an occurrence purely confined to our dreams. Indeed, losing one or more of your teeth can be a disturbing, life defining occurrence in reality, too. Whatever the cause — be it your age, an accident, or dental hygiene that’s been sidelined — a change in your dental make-up can have a major impact on your life.
For some, dental implants represent the solution. If you’re in need of replacement tooth roots and you’re wondering whether you should get dental implants, then here are your questions answered.
What Are Dental Implants?
We asked Portmore Dental, who offer dental implants in Surrey, to explain. They told us that implants are artificial structures implanted into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. They act as a foundation that supports one or more upper parts of teeth (technically called ‘crowns’) that are often removable. The abutment connects the crown to the implant.
Since they were introduced in the UK, about 10,000 people are reported to have received mandibular (lower jaw) dental implants annually, with the rate increasing year-on-year since.
What Different Kinds Of Dental Implant Are Available?
Four types of implants are the most popular. Some surgeons, however, say there broadly three categories, and some accept only two types. Regardless, here are the four accepted types, according to Corner House Dental, who offer dental implants in Norwich:
- Two-Stage Dental Implants
- Single-Stage Dental Implants
- Endosteal/Endosseous Dental Implants
- Subperiosteal Dental Implants

What Is The Success Rate Of A Dental Implant Procedure?
Implants are permanent (a success rate of 90 – 95% exists for the first decade) because they are installed deep in the jawbones providing a solid foundation for the teeth that are attached to them. This process helps ensure the teeth are as strong and secure as our natural ones. Also, there is no fear of having them loosen over time.
The success of dental implants depends upon where in the jawbone the implant is placed, with the danger of chronic nerve injury sitting around 1%.
What Are The Benefits Of Getting Dental Implants?
We spoke with Dr Anthony James from The Harley Street Implant Centre, who offer dental implants in London, about their benefits. Here’s what he had to say.
- Versatility
While bridges, dentures, and partial dentures are limited in terms of how many teeth they can replace, implants are not. You can use such a procedure for everything from a crown to a single tooth; you can choose a bridge or partial denture to replace more than one tooth; you can even do a full denture to replace the full set of your teeth.
For larger procedures, you’ll usually choose between all-on-4 or all-on-6 implants, both of which can support up to 14 teeth.
- Comfort
The implant provides the base from which further dental structures stand on. Being embedded directly into your jawbone, implants simulate a tooth root giving you the same prosthetic support as your natural teeth did.
During the healing process, your jawbone gradually grows around the titanium rod in your jaw, ultimately taking complete hold of the entire system. As days pass, you forget you have something implanted there and start feeling (relatively) comfortable.
- Speech
Our teeth are there not only to chew; they also serve to help our tongue pronounce words clearly and distinctly by controlling the air flow coming out of our mouth.
People who have lost teeth at some point in their lives and then had them replaced with dental implants can attest to the difference it makes in terms of sound formulation.

- Chewing and Digestion
Dental implants allow you to eat foods you otherwise couldn’t. If you’ve found yourself missing a couple of molars, you’ll know that your food options suddenly became more limited. But having one or a complete set of teeth replaced using dental implants restores the function of chewing.
- Implants Look Natural
Coupled with modern technology, the use of improved material has made dental implants look exactly like natural and realistic ones. The prosthetic teeth are cut out to fit your own jaw’s size and shape and match with the other existing teeth, so your smile looks quite natural.
- Increase Your Self-Confidence
Implants have the potential to revive a self-confidence which has suffered as a result of missing teeth.
- Prevent Bone Loss
The roots of our teeth send signals telling the jawbone to grow whenever and however it needs. Thus they perform an essential function for the jaw. When you lose one or more of your teeth, your body responds by reabsorbing the bone at the gap of the lost tooth. This can distort the shape of your face over time.
On the other hand, the titanium rod hooks your implant up firmly into your jawbone during the implant process, allowing the above process to occur. It rather signals the jawbone to grow around it.
Thus it provides two-way maintenance to our dental health: first, preventing bone loss and protecting your face shape and then reversing the loss process if there have already been any.
- Low-Maintenance
You don’t have to worry about troublesome maintenance of the implants; there is, in fact, no extra routine for your newly created teeth. All you need is to maintain a regular, healthy dental routine, brushing twice a day, flossing, or using mouthwash at least once a day. You should also visit your dentist regularly during the six months following the procedure for monitoring.
- Durability
If you carry out all the proper maintenance steps stated above, a dental implant will never need to be replaced or repaired throughout your whole life. Only the crown may have to be replaced every 15 years, give or take a few years.
Are There Any Complications To Dental Implant Surgery?
Complications following implant surgery are rare. However, it is important to be aware that the following cases have been found in only less than 2% of patients:
- Displacement of the implant
- infection of the implant
- Damage of nerve, resulting in uneasiness or dull sensation in the surgical area
- an opening of the incision following surgery
- Protrusion of the implant above the gumline
Are Dental Implants Painful?
Surgeons generally apply local anesthesia during dental implant surgery, making it relatively painless. Some patients have reported that they did experience some pain, but it can be considered less severe than the pain of tooth extraction, for instance.
After completion of the implant process, you may, at best, feel a kind of discomfort that will die down as you get used to your newly constructed tooth.
Who Can’t Have Dental Implants?
As Revitalise, who offer dental implants in Cornwall, tell us, there is no prohibition for a generally healthy person to receive a dental implant. That said, the orthodontist may decide on other options for those with gum problems or who don’t have enough jawbone for the implant to get embedded.
There are some other types of patients who are not considered eligible. These include heavy smokers, sufferers of diabetes and heart disease, and people who have had head/neck radiation therapy. Their dentists and orthodontists must inspect them for confirmation or rejection, and, in the latter case, suggestion of an alternative course of action.
Is The Cost Of Dental Implants Covered By Insurance?
Generally, dental insurance companies do not cover dental implants right now. However, you can get the coverage if it is under a full medical insurance plan, depending on your insurance plan and/or cause of tooth loss.
The Bottom Line
Keeping pace with the advancement of modern technology, the cutting edge world of dental surgery has introduced implants to provide lifelong strength and efficacy to your teeth. With many benefits to those missing teeth, could dental implants be the solution you’re seeking? We can’t wait to see your beautiful smile restored!