January is often billed as ‘the most depressing month of the year’, with the fun of the festive season turning into regret concerning overindulgence and overspending. But in the right hands, the new year can be a time of rebirth, growth and a realignment of perspective. If you’re keen to step into 2022 on the front foot, here are 5 IDEAL tips for doing just that.


It’s time to open your arms to a winter diet and we’re not talking about the excesses of Christmas, mince pies, Quality Street, turkey sarnies for days, and the rest. No, we’re talking about simply eating what is good, fresh and local when it’s at its best. Nothing more, nothing less.

The great thing about adapting your diet to the seasons is that fruit, vegetables, game and fish are forever changing in their quality and availability, so you’ll be keeping your diet varied, and constantly learning new recipes to suit what’s just come into season. It’s also a way to imbue some kind of meaning into what is otherwise a pretty grim, uneventful time of year.

January sees some superb stuff at its prime; Jerusalem artichokes, venison, beetroot, Brussel sprouts, turbot, blood orange, kale, celeriac…it’s like a rolls-royce-roll-call of the best ingredients around, all at their peak right now.  

This time of year, it has to be said, can be pretty gloomy, and aside from the obvious effects that the darkness can have on mood and motivation, winter also presents a nutritional issue; it’s near impossible to get the requisite Vitamin D at this time of year. As Vitaminology tell us, from late October to early March, the UK’s sunlight doesn’t contain enough UVB radiation for our skin to make Vitamin D. Therefore, supplements may be required; the NHS recommends 10 micrograms (μg) daily for adults during these months.


If you struggle with seasonal affective disorder or simply find that the cold and dark days of the winter dampen your mood, you should consider boosting your wellbeing by bringing light into your home. 

The best way, of course, is via natural light streaming through windows during the short days. Open the curtains, remove items that may be blocking the light and install mirrors in your home. 

But recently, some studies have pointed to the efficacy of light therapy lamps in tackling the low mood brought on by long stretches of darkness. Though research is ongoing into their effectiveness, there is some evidence to suggest that SAD lamps may produce short term results


It can be a struggle to socialise during the winter months when you might want to simply cosy up and hibernate until the spring. However, socialising is important to stave off loneliness, even if making meaningful connections involves as little as simply visiting a friend or family member or making a Zoom or phone call. 

The science backs this up; research has shown that those with an active social life may live longer, will likely benefit from better physical and mental health, and could even lower their risk of dementia. By socialising, you will be able to form those valuable connections that can put you on the front foot during the darker months and times.


People generally tend to do less exercise during the winter, when getting out there starts to feel like a chore rather than a pleasure. However, it is vital that you still remain active, even if the temperature outside is less than comfortable. 

In fact, as Aston University reports, cold weather workouts might be even more beneficial than those conducted in warmer climes. This is because a good workout can boost your immune system, as well as improve your mood. But that’s not all; it’s believed that cold temperatures force your body to work even harder when you’re exercising, which is great for strengthening your cardiovascular health. We may even burn more calories when exercising in the cold, as our bodies work extra hard to keep our core temperature regulated. So, what are you waiting for?

Read: 5 IDEAL ways to stay active this winter


Sleep has been posited as the all-natural way to keep healthy, facilitating a recharging of body and brain, and leading to a whole host of health benefits, including getting sick less often, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress and being able to think more clearly.

Rather than keep you here (all this blue light isn’t great for the quality of your sleep), why not bookmark this one for another time; our guide on why you should make sleep a priority and the ideal ways to do just that.

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