Dogs are said to be a ‘man’s best friend’ and it’s no wonder why, they are loyal, devoted, affectionate and will pretty much love you unconditionally.
There is something about these fury little critters that make them seem so in tune with humans. They show empathy, sadness, can sense danger and even have personality. Moreover, owning a furry companion can have lots of positive effects on your life, both mental and physical.
With this in mind, we decided to ask Fiona Firth, Burns Pet Nutrition’s Head Nutritionist and proud dog owner of Yogi, to give us her top 10 reasons on why dogs are great companions.
Unlike your friends, your dog is not going to cancel your trip to the gym at the last minute via text. Although, come to think of it, if our dog could spend the evening ‘washing my hair 2nite’, they probably would. Joking aside, your dog will most likely be relentless in their enthusiasm for a trip to the park for a frolic, which makes them great motivators for exercise.
Not a runner? Even something as simple as playing with your pets for a few minutes each day can increase your levels of daily exercise. Owning a dog will most definitely get you up and moving, since dogs are highly energetic animals and you’ll likely have to take yours for a walk daily. You’ll easily be able to reach your daily step target if you have a canine companion keeping you on your toes, that’s for sure.
And if we’re looking on the bright side, you’ll get a workout from constantly having to clean your house, too! There’s dog hair, dirt, leaves and other debris that come into the house on their paws to deal with. Even with a “non-shedding” pet, you’ll get a workout as you still have to vacuum the dog fur – yep even ‘non-shedding’ breeds shed a little.
Research has shown that dog owners, have greater self-esteem, tend to be less lonely and are less fearful. Perfect, for those living alone, dogs not only keep them company they smother them with affection.*
It has also recently been proven that dogs love us back! Scientists in California found that domesticated animals release the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin in intimate situations, just like humans! Oxytocin is the hormone that make us feel connected and form close bonds in relationships. This was detected when pets interacted with their owners.
If you have ever seen a dog chase a spider around the room or his own tail for hours, then you will understand this point. If you haven’t, you are missing out! Dogs and their little quirks are so funny to watch.
Dog owners are guaranteed to receive an over excited welcome home every night. Even more so than from our partners and families, dogs are always unashamedly, over-excited to greet you when you get home after a long day.
Everyone knows the stereotype that dogs hassle the postman and bark whenever the door goes! But these habits demonstrate what great protectors they are. This can be annoying but it also makes them great security guards. No burglar is going to get into a dog owners house without the whole street knowing about it. What’s more, you might just sleep a bit easier at night.
Dogs are companionable and affectionate, anyone who doesn’t like living by themselves or feels lonely, will always have a friend and company if they have a dog. They’re such personalities and are a real presence in a home that may have felt empty before. There’s a reason that dogs are known as ‘man’s best friend’, after all.
Dogs are also a great way to meet people, any dog owner knows that it’s the easiest conversation starter. Neighbours, strangers, fellow dog owners, everyone wants to make friends when you have a lovely dog to talk about. Even in ‘unfriendly’ London, dog walkers get to know each other and are happy to chat.
If you have a dog, you may have felt that they can tell when you’re upset. They change, if they’re always over- excited and needy, they usually become notably calmer. It was recently affirmed that dogs process emotional sounds in the same way as humans.
So the brain of a dog reacts in the same way as the human brain when they hear distress, like crying. No wonder then, that they can be very comforting in a crisis, and emotional support dogs can even provide valuable help to patients in times of distress.
Owning a pet has brought joy to the lives of so many. Though having one brings many benefits, it’s vital you first consider if you’re capable of giving a new pet the care it deserves. If after reading this article you’ve decided to take the plunge and get a dog, check out this article on which dog breed may best be suited to your lifestyle.