With the weather warming up and the pollen count rising, hayfever season has loudly announced itself with a massive sneeze. And just when you thought it was safe to stay indoors for ages, the UK’s estimated 13 million sufferers are realising that locking down is no barrier to the irritating allergy.

It’s important to note that pollen sailing through open windows isn’t the only allergen that can set off hay fever and other reactions. Indeed, indoor allergens such as dust mites, dead skin and animal fur can also cause an allergic response. 

We’ve teamed up with Lisa Evans, spokesperson for MyJobQuote, who was eager to reassure Brits working from home and staring at screens through red, running eyes, that there are in fact ways to mitigate hayfever’s and dust’s effects. These are those; our 8 IDEAL tips for dealing with hayfever and dust allergies at home.


An air purifier is one of the best places to begin enforcing dust and hayfever prevention. Using an air purifier in your home, which is specially designed to remove dust and airborne particles, will help alleviate the symptoms of allergies.

For a greener alternative, check our tips on 5 of the best air purifying plants for your home office.


If your home flooring is mostly carpeted, dust and pollen can gather between the fabrics. Vacuuming regularly can dislodge any dust from your flooring and avoids any build-ups. Changing carpets to hard flooring can be a great help in stopping dust and pollen collection too, though obviously right now, that’s not an easy option.


If you have laminate, tile or wooden flooring, mopping it regularly is a must to get rid of that dust which is setting off sneezing fits and giving concerned neighbours reason to keep two metres away from you. We would suggest using warm water with a splash of vinegar to mop most efficiently. 


Toxic cleaning products create airborne particles that encourage dust and pollen to spread. When purchasing cleaning products, do check the labels to ensure they’re non-toxic as it can definitely help out. Following better eco cleaning advice is also far kinder to our planet.


Clutter represents a hot spot for dust accumulation and getting rid of clutter around the home will make your life a lot easier in your attempt to create a dust-free environment. Be ruthless; if you don’t need it, get rid of it! Donate items to charity (via your local Mutual Aid group) or take your soon-to-be permitted trip to the skip.


Keeping windows and doors shut, and sealing windows and doors correctly can help prevent pollen from entering the home. Any cracks in walls and ceilings also need to be filled in order to reduce the likelihood of unwanted, insidious visitors.


Keeping out intrusion from the outside is near impossible – but you can reduce it. Placing good quality doormats down and taking off your shoes when you enter your home will limit the amount of dirt brought in. Also, if you’re outside for your daily exercise, don’t walk or run on grass if possible, and when you return home, shower immediately and change your clothes afterwards.


Bed linen is a prime nesting place for dust and dust mites. Make sure you clean your sheets not only after you soil them, but at least once a week as good practice, to get rid of any unwanted critters and dust. 

Read: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep Whilst Managing Allergies

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