Since when did it become uncool to have a home improvement wishlist? Come on, admit it; you’ve got one. We’ve all got one! And if you don’t, let us tell you; you’re missing out!
Indulge us a while with a spot of daydreaming about our dream home. For some, that wishlist might detail several Lamborghinis parked in the drive. A drive which is, of course, paved with gold. Others might have more modest ambitions, to install a jacuzzi or perhaps one of those taps which instantly produces boiling hot water…hey, some of us have a tea habit to take care of. Others still may simply long for their bathroom light to stop flickering.
Either end of the spectrum is valid because after all, what is a home without comfort?
During lockdown, it’s from this never ending pursuit of comfort (and idle hands being made work for, of course) that DIY projects have gained such popularity and prominence. Not only can they fill the hours, but in the right hands, doing the job yourself can end up saving you money and being pretty rewarding to boot.
In the wrong hands, however, the outcome can be disastrous. If you’re wondering whether or not a task around the house is DIY worth or not, then read on; here are some home improvement projects when only the professionals will do.
Grand Designs and other home improvement shows just love to effortlessly take down or knock through a wall, opening up a room to improve the flow of a home or granting more space to any already large home. Oh, how they make it look so easy.
In reality, it’s anything but. Any structural adjustment to your home needs to be done under the guidance of a structural engineer. This is because most walls and beams bear the weight of the house and keep it upright. If they are taken down or adjusted without proper precaution, the house could come crumbling down. And you don’t want that.
Concerning home extensions, in particular, keep in mind that they were not approved as part of the original structure of your house. As such, they may require fresh approval before you can proceed knocking elements of them through or down. For this, you may need architectural blueprints to make an application for planning permission, thereby necessitating the services of an architect.
Electrocution, voltage overload and electrical fires are all fine examples of why you should be wary of taking on DIY electrical projects. This is one area where rolling the dice is simply not worth it and could end up costing you way more than just money if it is not handled right.
The guys from Elstar, who sell LED light strip connectors, tell us that not only should you hire a professional, but it is also advisable that they be certified in the specific field you’re dealing with. This will give you peace of mind that they understand what they are doing and if anything goes wrong, they can be held liable.
That said, there are electronic projects that require little professional input that you could carry out yourself; changing a lightbulb, for instance. We’re only half joking; if you’re looking to change the lighting fixtures permanently in your home, then always get a professional electrician to help.
Few things will break your spirit like trying to fix a leaking pipe only for it to burst and flood the room. Here’s a tip; always turn off the mains when plumbing is under repair. Here is an even better tip, call in a plumber.
Plumbing problems come in all shapes and sizes – from less nagging annoyances like a dripping tap all the way to major pipes leaking that can cause severe structural damage to your property if left to run riot. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t try to fix either yourself.
You should be aware that your home plumbing goes beyond the pipes inside your home all the way to the main sewer line. By law, you are not liable for structural plumbing issues involving the main supply line and should not attempt any repairs. Be sure to alert the authorities immediately and file a complaint if there are more comprehensive issues occurring; it’s likely their responsibility to get things fixed.
You’re probably wondering what chemicals have to do with home improvement projects? Well, the short answer to that is, almost everything. Not convinced? Here are a few examples of chemical-related home projects:
- Fumigation
- Painting
- Insulation
- Garden care using herbicides
Each of these projects involves the use of chemicals that, while beneficial in the right, gloved hands, can pose serious health risks if deployed with reckless abandon and no prior expertise in how best to use them.
Paying a professional service provider may feel like an inconvenience in these cases, but it is much safer, particularly in the aftercare part of the procedure, when allowing your home time to aerate sufficiently after the use of such chemicals is essential.
The do-it yourself home security market has exploded in the last few years and you can see why; for a couple of hundred quid you can have a fantastic home security system. Installing it properly, however, is another matter.
Security systems help you sleep a little easier at night, make no mistake. However, the irony of smart cameras is that they can end up being a security risk when installed incorrectly, due to their potential for hacking in such cases. If your home security system isn’t installed by a professional, you run the risk of your home being unprotected and prone to cyber attack and, potentially, physical intrusion.
It’s therefore essential to have a vetted security professional come in take care of installation for you. This is particularly pertinent if your property enjoys the many benefits of smart technology and appliances.
Finally, it’s also sensible to seek professional assistance in installing a home security system since the installation of cameras which are placed or angled incorrectly could incur privacy laws, unlawfully intruding on a neighbour’s personal space. Don’t fall foul of the law; seek a professional in such instances.
In the broader scheme of things, almost every project presents a level of risk. The trick, however, lies in choosing your battles. Whilst some home renovation projects can be handled by an amateur, some simply shouldn’t be. By engaging a professional, you might even learn some valuable lessons on how to handle the problem next time. Win-win!
Looking for some DIY jobs which are, genuinely, DIY? Here are 6 easy home maintenance tasks that you can do yourself.