For the majority of us, a walk-in wardrobe represents a distant dream; the preserve of an episode of Cribs or a fleeting stay in a five-star hotel. With floor based real estate tight and compact for most Brits, the next best thing is a fitted wardrobe, offering similar benefits to the walk-in variety but without the same space or cost required.

Those benefits include increased accessibility, visibility and even value, since buyers in the UK put such a premium on storage space, and a fitted wardrobe generates that as well as more space within the bedroom itself.

It just makes sense, right? If you’re still not convinced, then read on; here’s why every home deserves a fitted wardrobe.


The primary problem with freestanding wardrobes is that they’re simply not economical with space, whichever way you look at them. There’s all too often unused, unusable space around the wardrobe’s peripheries, and in homes not blessed with lots of capacity, this can feel pretty wasteful.

Indeed, standard, freestanding wardrobes across the UK are bursting at the seams with clothes, accessories, shoes and the rest. Fitted wardrobes, on the other hand, are an oh-so-simple way to boost your storage space, as they make use of every available centimetre. 


Another problem with freestanding wardrobes is that they assume we all dress the same. Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth; everyone has their own unique style, with a different focal point and storage requirements.

Do you own loads of trainers? Are your drawers overflowing with lingerie? Or do you need somewhere to safely store all of your jewellery so it won’t get all tangled up? The good news is this; fitted wardrobes are 100% customisable and can accomodate your specific storage needs via a clever combination of drawers, shelves and different sized compartments. 


Now, more than ever, potential homeowners and housebuyers put a premium on space, particularly the storage opportunities within a property. A fitted wardrobe has the potential to add value to a property as visually it is immediately suggestive of added storage and floor space. In fact, a fitted wardrobe can entirely change the appearance of a room.

In the UK, properties tend to be on the older side, with quirkily shaped ceilings and features that can be a little awkward to work around. A fitted wardrobe, customised to make the most of sloping roofs or esoterically shaped nooks and crannies, can go some way to solving this problem. In the process, overall value is added.


‘’But I don’t have anything to wear’’, said nearly every person who owns a freestanding wardrobe. These unyielding closets make it tough to give your collection of clothes a decent appraisal, with items left lurking at the back for months, gathering dust and potentially getting eaten alive by moths. 

To access your clothes more easily, quickly and efficiently, a fitted wardrobe is the way to go. By investing in one, you might even cut back on clothes shopping in the future.

Read: 5 IDEAL ways to forgo fast fashion 


Go and run your finger along the top of your freestanding wardrobe. We dare you! No doubt that finger will emerge the other side covered in dust. The great thing about fitted wardrobes is that they can be tailored to fit the full height of your room meaning their tops don’t require regular dusting as they stand snugly to the ceiling. 


We spoke to guys at My Fitted Bedroom, who offer built in wardrobes from Leeds, and asked them for their top tips on how to design a fitted wardrobe that truly suits your needs. Here’s what they told us:

  • Before deciding on the type of fitted wardrobe you’re going to buy, determine your precise needs first. This includes finding out the actual amount of space you require, the shape, and the width, height and depth of the piece.
  • Check out any unused space in your home, whether it’s space under the stairs, a corner alcove, space under a sloped ceiling, and more. These spaces may be just the right fit for a fitted wardrobe.
  • Consider how the wardrobe’s materials and finish suit your home’s overall aesthetic theme. Then, if your budget allows, you can consult with an interior designer to decide on the best design and finish for your wardrobe.
  • Figure out your budget – and ensure that you stick to it. It’s easy to get carried away and add an excess of customised solutions to your wardrobe, but the price can also quickly escalate – reaching upwards of £2’500 in some cases – so be mindful of this before getting over ambitious with the design.

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