Switching jobs when you have financial responsibilities and perhaps even people dependent on you is not a decision that should be taken lightly. But, with an unprecedented period of upheaval and change to come globally, if you’ve found yourself in a career rut, feeling undervalued and unfulfilled, then now could be the time to consider pastures new.
Many have used lockdown and its associated period of self reflection to question our relationship with work. With a new era ahead of prioritising a healthy work/life balance and ensuring our emotional health receives just as much attention as our physical one, now could be an opportune moment to reflect on your personal strengths, career path and where you want to take it in 2020 and beyond. With that in mind, here’s 4 reasons why now is the IDEAL time for a career change.
Because we’ve all been doing a little self analysis of late, right? There’s never been a more seismic shift in the collective consciousness and our perspectives of what ‘work’ should mean. As such, many are rightly using recent events – whether that’s being furloughed, working from home more often or, regrettably, being made redundant – to reassess their relationship with their job.
Turn recent negatives into a larger positive. 2020 represents the perfect excuse to break the mould, build a new one, and enjoy professional and personal growth equally.
The beauty of modern life and our increasingly liberal attitudes is that anything goes, and we don’t have to follow a defined career path from cradle to grave. Indeed, with increased health and strength in our older years meaning retirement often comes later in life, it’s never too late to try something new or explore a new hustle. Use this sense of possibility to break through that fear barrier that could be preventing you from moving onwards and upwards.
Many who are successful in their career finish up in a very different place from where they started, and in this uncertain economic climate, a job is no longer guaranteed “for life”. Misplaced loyalty or being stuck in a rut due to insecurity will only hinder your personal growth, so don’t let procrastination be a barrier to career change – you just need to have the courage to take the first step.
Those who can find it especially hard are existing managers or would-be managers, as it can be difficult to give up the security of an existing role or make a play for a new one. Remember that it’s never too late.
Many of us cling to jobs like we do unsatisfying relationships because of fear of the unknown; forgetting that you don’t have to have your future figured out now. To do so would be to deny possibility and spontaneity, equally. Sure, new horizons can be daunting, but they’re alos hugely exciting and oftentimes, inspiring. We can lessen our nerves by considering route options we may not have even realised were available to us. One way of resetting our compass to point us in the right direction is to train or re-train while in our current employment.
Retraining isn’t an admission that you’re lacking in skills or experience; it’s an embracing of opportunity. There’s always a chance to be better and look at things differently, and gaining by retraining will expand your horizons further. You may, for instance, want to undergo renovation training if you work in the construction industry but want to do more restoration work, or you may want to train in an entirely different field altogether. There’s nothing stopping you from taking a totally new path from the one you’re on!
Indeed, as the professional development experts at Souters training recommend taking a course which can ‘’combine technical skills in administration with job ready management and soft skills training’’ and we couldn’t agree more; spread your net wide, with a particular focus on adaptable skills, and you’ll give yourself the best chance to appeal to potential employers. In the current job market, flexibility matters.
Retraining will provide you with the ability and confidence to step out of your existing world and into a new one, so don’t be afraid to view your working life as an adventure and be open to wherever it may take you. And, with more and more virtual training sessions being available throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, there’s certainly never been a better time to train for a new career from the comfort of your own home.