Selling Your Home? Declutter Like A Pro To Have Your Property Looking Its Best

Ideal for those looking to make their home presentable and primed for a sale.

The real estate market is one of the most unpredictable in existence. And that was true even prior to recent turbulent, unprecedented times. Right now, homeowners are having to work harder than ever to make sure that their properties stand out, with the market somewhat subdued recently.

Accordingly, homeowners are having to make their homes look as appealing as possible to facilitate quick, fuss-free sales. Viewers and potential buyers want to imagine living in the property, to cement early interest, and presale decluttering is one of the essential tools in the seller’s arsenal to help with this.

If you’re selling your home, then first you’ll want to declutter like a pro to have your property looking its best. Here’s how to do just that.

Be Ruthless

Tidy home, tidy mind, as the old saying goes, and there’s certainly a modicum of truth to be found there. ”Tidy home, sold home” might be even closer to gospel, don’t you think?

Getting rid of the clutter and junk which has held pride of place for far too long can be a really valuable byproduct of selling up and moving on. Embrace this chance to start afresh without that massive teddy bear you won for your ex-girlfriend at the fair or the box of vinyl you never, ever listen to, and in the process, you’ll make your house more appealing to viewers.

Actually, we prefer to think of it as ‘streamlining’, simply meaning removing anything that you no longer want or need and that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life, but doing so with a positive mindset. How you do so is up to you; you can pass it on to friends, recycle, give it to a charity shop, or even sell it online and make a little bit of money.

If you really can’t part with certain belongings, consider putting them in storage for the time being (more of that later) to make your place look as presentable as possible. You could even shove as much stuff as is physically possible under the bed, if that helps.

Remote Storage & Removal

Of course, if you have too much stuff to simply shove under the bed and sink, then consider arranging a small storage unit remotely, temporarily, to maximise the potential for space in your property in the eyes of viewers. Considering the average cost of a storage unit is just £72 for 20 sq feet, this represents a worthwhile investment – and the ultimate decluttering exercise – if it’s to generate more value for your home.

You might need a removal company to help at this stage. Check that any company you’re considering is a member of either the British Association of Removers (BAR) or the National Guild of Removers and Storers (NGRS). As always in situations like this, be sure to get several quotes before settling on a decision. 

Keep All Flat Areas Clear

The easiest way to make your house look less cluttered and more presentable without actually getting rid of all your ‘stuff’ is by keeping flat surfaces clear. As we all know, countertops, tabletops, the nightstand, even chairs and bed, are all ripe for gathering clutter. By freeing surfaces of these accumulations (out of sight, out of mind and all that), you’ll create an illusion of space, convincing would-be buyers of the spaciousness of your property.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t place anything on your countertops; this might evoke a sparse, unfinished appearance. All you need is to eliminate everything that feels (or more importantly, looks) out of place and only leave the essentials.

But where will these excess possessions go? Well, you can take advantage of floor space, drawers, bins, hangers and hooks around your house; get smart with your storage solutions and you’ll open up your property’s possibilities in the mind of prospective buyers. And that’s why you’re here, right?

While it’s best to keep clutter to a minimum, you don’t want your house to lose its sense of soul. A tried and tested selling technique is staging your home – viewers want to see a place they can imagine living in. Set up the dining table so people can imagine having dinner parties and home cooked meals there. If you live in the countryside, a walking stick and some wellies by the front door sets a certain tone of idyllic rural life. If your home would be perfect for a family, consider putting a bed or a cot in the spare room. Adding, rather than taking away, can help sell your home, too.

Make Use Of All Storage Options

Speaking of smart storage solutions, most of the time, domestic storage spaces go somewhat underutilized and unrecognized, with homeowners not realising the potential of what’s been living right under their noses. 

However, when it comes to decluttering, these spaces make such a significant difference. Pack up seasonal clothes like winter coats in neat boxes, then store them under the bed. You can also use rigid containers or soft bags because they will keep your items protected while under your bed.

Another underutilised storage space is under the sink. Depending on your type of sink and vanity, you should have some storage space under your sink. You can use it to store items in stackable plastic drawers, baskets, or bins. Make sure the storing material is waterproof so that you do not damage your possessions.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to sell your home, then making sure it’s a blank canvas in the eyes of prospective buyers, free from clutter and distraction, is essential. That said, a proper, thorough decluttering isn’t always a case of DIY solutions; sometimes, the experts are needed.

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