Gift shopping for someone who has amassed everything that they could possibly want in life is tricky, even at the best of times. But after the gift-giving revelry of Christmas, the ideas for a unique and personal present for those who are routinely, resolutely spoiled is almost impossible.
Almost, you’ll notice we used. Because even for the loved one who seemingly has it all, there are still options available to surprise and stimulate them. With that in mind, from royal titles to a survival weekend, here are 9 IDEAL gifts for people who have everything.
Giving your friend the opportunity to ‘become’ a noble and be treated like a VIP for the rest of their life will perhaps be the most unique gift they’ve ever been given. Though it may sound a little far-fetched, rumour has it that those who have bought themselves a title receive preferential treatment and perks – think hotel and airline upgrades and being able to get a reservation at any restaurant in town.
Or, if your friend is something of a joker, they will be able to use their title for a bit of fun like this frivolous fella featured in Hustle, who bought him and his wife titles as a quirky gift one Christmas “so he could call his wife “m’lady” and “leave family events early by dramatically accusing them of being usurpers.”
Sounds like a riot…
It should be noted that here in the UK, true royal titles are either inherited or granted by the Queen. This includes titles such as duke, duchess, count and countess. Selling these titles (or using them illicitly) is actually against the law. However, you can legitimately purchase a Lordship of the Manor title. While a manorial lordship is not an aristocratic title, it does enable you to put after your name that you are the Lord or Lady of the Manor of whatever place.
It’s not exactly a cheap gift, costing upwards of £5,000. You can, of course, get a deed pool and change your name to Lord or Lady. You could simply change your first name to Lord or Lady and then follow up with your first name for a minimal fee of just £42.44.
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When it comes to buying titles abroad, you can for a rather large sum pay a German noble to adopt you, and then, can legitimately call yourself by a title. Interestingly when it comes to buying royal titles, you can purchase your way to nobility online to some micronations that no longer exist. You could, for example, become the Lord or Lady of Pomerania & Livonia or the Count or Countess of Pomerania & Livonia.
We say this with tongue firmly in cheek, of course, as the legitimacy of some of these titles is questionable. However, there’s no denying that when done with transparency, it’s a fun, quirky gift to give someone who has everything.

Perhaps instead of buying your friend a royal or noble title, why not help them uncover potential evidence of historic links to the aristocracy via an ancestry DNA kit? Through a DNA kit, one lady recently found out she was related to a medieval king and a popular comedian (not through a DNA test) discovered that he was a “proper blue blood” after it was revealed he was related to King Henry VIII on Who Do You Think You Are?
Home DNA kits are available on the market for £150 or less, helping you reconnect with your roots in exchange for a drop or two of saliva (and the fee, of course). It should be said, though, that these domestic DNA kits may reveal results that diverge in accuracy, and should be treated as a bit of fun rather than a way of truly uncovering fascinating, hidden elements of your past.
Another modern gift idea that’s becoming increasingly popular is a personalised video message from a favourite celebrity, wishing the receiver Happy Birthday or simply saying hello. They will even convey a personal message (within reason of course) from you. The platform Cameo has some mega stars on its books including the likes of Snoop Dog and Dick Van Dyke and the cost of this service varies from under £20 all the way into the thousands, depending on who the famous face is.
Offering your friend a way to connect with their favourite public figure is a gift that they won’t forget. That, or you could simply call them on FaceTime, and wish them a good day yourself, which we’re sure they won’t forget either.

Nicole Kidman got a star and called it “Forever Tom”. Winona Ryder bought one for Johnny Depp. Might you do the same?
It sounds a bit out there, but it’s certainly unique! In fact, it’s so out there, it’s in outer space. So, why not name a star after your loved one for a symbolic, enduring gift which shows appreciation and makes the receiver feel oh-so-special? Doing so needn’t even cost a fortune; you can name a star for as little as £20.
Having a huge celestial body made of hydrogen and helium is a pretty special gift to give a person who has everything. While the only place that star names will be registered is on the database from the company you purchased it from, it’s still a pretty special gesture. And hey, one day such an intergalactic gift might come in useful when our current planet is rendered uninhabitable.
What to give someone who has everything? Take everything away from them and give them a weekend fending for themselves in the wilderness, of course! Whilst that might sound a little severe – cruel, even – sending your loved one on weekend’s survival course might just be the most genuinely useful present on our list.
Let them battle the conditions and fend for themselves in the wilderness – perhaps not everyone’s idea of a ‘gift’, but some people are just glutton for punishment, and others, frankly, might just deserve a little fresh perspective.
Learning how to build a shelter, foraging for ingredients and being taught the correct way to light a fire will be things that the sheltered, spoiled among us have likely never experienced. We did promise unique, personal gifts after all…
One thing that everyone needs in their life is laughter, but being able to make people laugh? That’s perhaps the greatest gift of all. There are a surprising number of standup comedy classes, courses and workshops available, with London’s Comedy School offering half-days for as little as £75 all the way to 6 week intensive courses for £285.
Even if your friend has no interest in becoming a standup comedian, the opportunity to have a new challenge, meet new people and, most importantly, laugh long and hard is a priceless present. If your loved one emerges from such a learning journey still unable to deliver the punchline to their favourite ‘knock knock’ joke, then you might have to both accept that they’re just not very funny.
A gift that keeps on growing! The ideal ethical present to give your pal who has everything is a tree.
Trees may indeed take a long time to mature, but the act of planting one? It can be done – or at least gifted – instantaneously. Indeed, the National Trust offers the chance to plant a tree as a gift without you even having to get your hands dirty.
Instead, you simply donate a figure to plant one new tree sapling (a £5 minimum is suggested) and the charity will send you confirmation straight away. Five days later, you’ll receive a certificate confirming the planting of your tree. There’s even the option to plant ten new tree saplings for £50. Talk about showing someone your appreciation!
Because presence is much more valuable than presents. So, instead of gifting another item destined for the attic, why not give your friend the greatest gift of all? Your time.
Take your friend out and treat them? Consider treating them to a concert, afternoon tea, or a meal out..whatever they might enjoy. The best part is that your friend will have the pleasure of your company, as well, which is the ultimate gift of all.
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Not everyone likes surprise parties. That said, everyone deserves a surprise party at some point in their life. To walk into a party, designed exclusively for them, that people they love have invested time and energy to plan and prepare to perfection… Well, that’s a pretty special gift, don’t you think?
As long as you have the dedication of all guests in keeping their counsel in the days leading up to the event and their punctuality when showing up for the big reveal, this is one of the best, most exciting gifts your loved one will ever likely receive. To help you organise things perfectly, check out these tips on how to plan a successful party for any occasion.
Can we expect our invite in the post?