9 Gift Ideas For Liquor Lovers That Don’t Come In A Bottle 



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No matter the occasion, a bottle of booze will always be an appropriate gift for an avid liquor lover (always drink responsibly, guys). However, if you’ve given the same bottle of gin over and over again, and you’ve noticed the recipient’s enthusiasm waning as the years have worn on, then might we assume you’re considering a more original gift this time around?

No sh*t Sherlock, you mutter; that’s why you’ve arrived at this page, after all. 

Sensing your impatience, let’s proceed promptly; here are 9 gift ideas for liquor lovers that don’t come in a bottle.

A Decanter

A decanter is the perfect present for spirit lovers, and despite their sparkling, hefty appearance, it needn’t be an expensive one. 

Head down to your local charity shop and you may just find a selection of antique and secondhand glass decanters, which have slightly fallen out of fashion in recent years. Gifting a pre-loved item isn’t just a great option in terms of helping find a unique or even a vintage decanter, but it will also help you reduce your carbon footprint, save some pennies, provide a completely unique gift and, in many cases, give back to a charitable cause. What’s not to love!

A Whisky Glass 

Timeless whisky-based cocktails such as a Whisky Sour, Slow Comfortable Screw, Old Fashioned and Hair Of The Dog all taste best from a stout, heavy-bottomed glass. The most important reason whisky glasses have thick bottoms is to keep your drink from warming, but the weight, we think, improves the tangible drinking experience immeasurably, too. 

There are many different types of whisky glasses, of course, beyond simply being ‘heavy bottomed’, with some of the most common being the tulip glass, the Glencairn, the whisky tumbler, the highball, the snifter, and, finally, the neat glass. Whatever shape you get (guided by their preferred cocktail, of course), why not go the extra mile and get personalised whisky for your liquor loving friend, with the bottle (pedants: it’s still not in the bottle) engraved with your loved ones’ name or even with the label featuring their beautiful face?

That is a seriously thoughtful gift right there.

A Personalised Whisky Barrel 

Okay, now we’re talking…

For a truly unique and personal touch, consider gifting a miniature personalised whisky barrel. These charming barrels not only serve as a stylish piece of home decor but also allow the recipient to age their own spirits to their taste preference. Many companies offer the option to have the barrel engraved with a name, special date, or message, making it a memorable gift that’s sure to impress any whisky aficionado.

Bespoke Cocktail Recipe Book 

A bespoke cocktail recipe book is a thoughtful gift for those who love to mix their own drinks and are always on the lookout for new concoctions. You could either compile a collection of classic cocktail recipes or, for a more personal touch, include recipes that you’ve created together or that have a special meaning to your friend. Have the book beautifully bound and include sections for notes and photographs to document their cocktail-making journey.

Luxury Ice Mould Set 

The right ice can make all the difference in a well-crafted cocktail. Gift a set of luxury ice moulds that produce clear, slow-melting ice cubes or spheres. These moulds often come in various shapes and sizes, allowing for a sophisticated presentation and a more enjoyable sipping experience. Some sets even include ice picks and storage bags, making them a practical yet elegant gift for any spirit lover who values the finer details in their drink preparation.

A Liquor Focused Trip

Just won the lottery and want to go big with your present? Or, perhaps you’re just the generous type and are keen to spread some good vibes and cheer. Either way, consider taking your pal on a liquor focused trip. Here are some ideas…

  • The Kentucky Bourbon Trail 

Assuming your friend is a whiskey or bourbon lover, then there’s no better gift than taking them to the birthplace of bourbon. With 95% of the world’s bourbon made in Kentucky, it’s the ideal place to explore the history of this famous drink.

The famous Kentucky Bourbon Trail should be the focus of your itinerary, but if its near 40 distilleries have got you feeling hungover before you’ve even begun, then consider a more compact tasting of Lexington’s 15 distilleries (all within 45 miles of downtown). 

  • Mezcal In Mexico

This smokey spirit made from agave has become hugely popular in the UK recently, and for good reason; its complexity is pretty much unrivalled in the spirit world, in our humble opinion. If your friend is a fan, then take a trip to Mexico City where you’ll find dedicated mezcalerías serving up some of the best stuff in the world. A trip to Oaxaca to visit a palenque, where mezcal is made, would top off this tippled-based trip-of-a-lifetime.

  • Whisky In Scotland

For somewhere closer to home, why not take a trip to Edinburgh? Scotland is renowned for its production of whiskey, and you simply can’t visit the city without having a taste of the Scottish amber nectar. 

There are more than enough places to find great quality whiskey here, and the best part is you get it all cheaper than what you would in London, including the premium brands. Make a stop at the Scotch Whisky Experience to see one of the biggest whisky collections in the world, learn about the origins of whisky and how it’s made, and do a little tasting while you’re at it.

A Classic Cocktail Glass

It’s amazing the difference the right glass can make to the enjoyment of a cocktail experience. If your friend is a cocktail fan, the long stemmed Martini glass famous from 007 films is ideal for serving small cocktails that pack a punch, including the aforementioned Martini, as well as the Manhattan, Cosmopolitan and Sidecar. 

Whatever their tipple, your loved one will appreciate having this elegant glass on hand.

Read: 9 cocktails that are super easy to make at home

A Hamper Of Cocktail Condiments & Garnishes 

Here at IDEAL, we’re big fans of curating hampers to give to our best pals! You can make something truly special and unique, just for them, and for a liquor lover, the options are endless. If you’re looking for a gift that isn’t a bottle (you are, that’s why you’re here), then consider filling a hamper full of cocktail condiments. Here are some ideas:

  • Maraschino cherries
  • Olives 
  • Cocktail onions 
  • Dehydrated fruit slices 
  • Bitters 
  • Dusting powders in different flavours (rose, calendula, lemon balm, fennel) 
  • Bursting bubbles
  • Margarita rimming salt
  • Edible gold/Silver leaf flakes 

With these condiments and garnishes, cocktail night at your friend’s house has suddenly been taken up several notches… Everyone’s a winner!

Infused Booze: Over 60 Batched Spirits & Liqueurs To Make At Home

In the fantastic book Infused Booze, Kathy Kordalis shows you how to enhance your cocktails with some simple tricks. From salted caramel vodka to bacon bourbon, jalapeno tequila and a whole host of other booze infusions, this amazing book offers fun and seemingly limitless suggestions on how to keep your liquor interesting (and your liquor loving friend entertained!).

The Bottom Of The Glass

We think it’s fair to say that if your friend doesn’t appreciate any of the gifts from this list, then they may not deserve their title of liquor-loving, after all.

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