11 Of The Most Popular European Cities For UK Expats In 2024

New year, new…home?

As we dispense with January and the more obligatory resolutions of going dry and meat free, the journey onwards into February and beyond presents possibilities for more comprehensive change in those with itchy feet and restless minds.

For those a little fed up with the UK, the allure of the European dream continues to captivate the hearts (or, at least, dominate the daydreams) of many aspiring British expats. With the dust of Brexit having settled and the world slowly adapting to the new normal post-pandemic, the dream of starting afresh or seeking adventure on the continent has regained its lustre. 

Which European Cities That Boast Endless Appeal To British Expats?

But which European cities are promising to be the most popular for UK expats this year, in terms of cuisine, climate and culture, but also when considering the boring ol’ life admin stuff? 

With both in mind, here are 11 of the most popular European cities for expats in 2024.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, the sun-kissed capital of Portugal, has emerged as a favourite among UK expats. Its combination of a mild climate, affordable cost of living, and friendly locals make it an irresistible choice. The city’s rich history is etched into the very stones of its streets and monuments, offering a daily reminder of its maritime heritage. 

Lisbon’s popularity among UK expats is bolstered by Portugal’s Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax regime. This programme offers significant tax advantages for a period of ten years, including tax exemptions on foreign-sourced income and potential tax reductions on Portuguese-sourced income, making it a significant draw for retirees and remote workers alike. It should be noted that the exact terms of the NHR are currently being debated, and it’s likely that it may well soon be scrapped or, at least, less favourable to expats. Watch this space…

Additionally, the Golden Visa programme provides a fast track to residency for those investing in the country’s real estate or business ventures, which can lead to citizenship after five years.

Malaga, Spain

At the forefront of desirable destinations for the year ahead is the seemingly always sunny city of Málaga, Spain. Renowned for its amiable locals and Mediterranean charm, the city’s friendliness holds some renown, making it not only the best city in Europe but also in the world for expats in 2023. This sentiment is echoed in the city’s continued popularity among British expats seeking a hospitable and engaging community. 

UK expats are drawn not only by the sun-soaked Mediterranean lifestyle of the city, but also by Spain’s welcoming legal framework. The Golden Visa scheme is particularly attractive, offering residency through a minimum real estate investment of €500,000, a path many have taken in the picturesque coastal city. Additionally, the modified Beckham Law provides a special tax regime, allowing new residents to benefit from a reduced tax rate on their income for the first six years. 

For the self-employed, Spain’s Autónomo system presents a favourable structure for tax and social security contributions, making Málaga an appealing destination for entrepreneurs and freelancers alike.

Berlin, Germany

Germany’s eclectic capital Berlin is a melting pot of culture, history, and innovation. It’s a city that never seems to sleep, yet it offers tranquil green spaces like the Tiergarten for those moments of respite. UK expats are drawn to Berlin’s dynamic job market, particularly in the tech and creative industries. The city’s relatively low cost of living compared to other major European capitals and its open-minded ethos make it a magnet for young professionals and artists.

Germany offers the EU Blue Card to highly skilled non-EU nationals, allowing them to live and work in Germany with ease. For UK expats, this is particularly relevant post-Brexit. Berlin has also introduced new legislation to attract startup founders and tech talent, offering favourable conditions for entrepreneurs, including grants and facilitated access to residency permits.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam’s picturesque canals and laid-back lifestyle continue to charm UK expats. The city’s progressive attitudes and policies, high English proficiency among locals, and excellent cycling infrastructure offer a high quality of life that is hard to resist. Amsterdam is also a hub for international business, with many global companies setting up European headquarters here, providing ample employment opportunities for expats.

The Netherlands is home to the 30% ruling, a tax advantage for highly skilled migrants moving to the Netherlands for work. Under this scheme, 30% of a worker’s salary may be tax-free, and the benefit can be granted for up to five years. Amsterdam’s startup visa also makes it an attractive destination for UK entrepreneurs looking to establish a business within the Dutch innovation ecosystem.

Barcelona, Spain

With its Mediterranean climate, stunning architecture, and vibrant culinary scene, Barcelona is a feast for the senses. UK expats are enchanted by the city’s unique blend of Catalan culture and cosmopolitan flair.

Barcelona’s cost of living is reasonable, and the healthcare system is highly regarded and financially accessible to those who have invested in decent expat travel insurance coverage. The city’s tech scene is booming, too, making it an attractive destination for digital nomads and entrepreneurs.

Spain’s ‘ley de emprendedores’ (Entrepreneurs Law) includes provisions for an investor visa, which can be obtained by purchasing real estate over a certain value or investing in Spanish businesses. This has made Barcelona a hotspot for UK expats looking to invest. Additionally, that aforementioned Beckham Law from a few paragraphs prior allows certain expats, such as those with high earnings, to benefit from a flat tax rate on their income.

Marseille, France

Marseille, with its sun-drenched Mediterranean charm, has emerged as a prime destination for UK expats in 2024, offering a blend of vibrant urban life and a laid-back coastal vibe. 

The French city is not just a cultural giant but also a hub for economic growth, drawing in skilled professionals through the Passeport Talent programme. This initiative facilitates a smooth transition for expats, granting them and their families up to four years of residency. It’s particularly attractive for those in the scientific, artistic, and entrepreneurial fields looking to tap into Marseille’s potential. On top of that, the French Tech Visa, a subset of the Passeport Talent, caters to individuals in the tech industry, aligning with Marseille’s growing reputation as a tech hotspot.

For those venturing into self-employment, France’s Auto-Entrepreneur regime simplifies the tax and social security process, making it an enticing option for freelancers and sole traders in Marseille. The city’s real estate market also presents lucrative opportunities, with tax incentives for property renovation that appeal to expats keen on investing in Marseille’s historic properties. 

These legislative incentives, coupled with the city’s rich history and the allure of the Mediterranean lifestyle, make Marseille an increasingly popular choice for UK expats seeking the warmth of the French Riviera combined with the benefits of a dynamic, cosmopolitan city.

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland, stands out as another top contender, having been crowned Europe’s most livable city in 2023 by the European Commision. With a staggering 97% satisfaction rate among its residents, Zurich offers an unparalleled quality of life that encompasses financial stability, efficient public transport, excellent healthcare services, and commendable air quality. This is all despite Zurich also being known as one of the most expensive cities globally. Or, it’s perhaps because of it, of course…

With its pristine reputation for high living standards and a strong economy, Zurich offers UK expats a unique blend of stability and prosperity. Switzerland’s bilateral agreements with the EU facilitate the movement of UK citizens, easing their transition into the Swiss way of life. The country’s lump-sum taxation option is a boon for wealthy individuals who choose to make Zurich their home without engaging in local employment, allowing them to be taxed based on living expenses rather than global income. 

Furthermore, the Permit B for EU nationals provides a renewable five-year residence permit tied to employment contracts, and the cantonal tax system in Zurich is known to favour high earners, enhancing its attractiveness to affluent expats.

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, known for its imperial history and stunning architecture, is also one of the most liveable cities in the world. UK expats are attracted to its high quality of life, excellent public services, and vibrant cultural scene. The city is clean, safe, and well-organized, with a strong economy and a wealth of job opportunities, particularly in international organizations and the arts.

Austria provides a Red-White-Red Card, a combined work and residence permit aimed at skilled workers in shortage occupations, graduates of Austrian universities, and self-employed key workers. Vienna, with its high quality of life, also offers a favourable tax environment for expats, including various deductions and allowances that can reduce the overall tax burden.

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, stands out for its stunning natural beauty, innovative design, and strong emphasis on sustainability. UK expats appreciate the city’s high standard of living, excellent education system, and progressive social values. The Swedish concept of ‘lagom’ – meaning just the right amount – encapsulates the balanced lifestyle that many find in Stockholm.

Sweden’s attractive personal taxation system includes a special income tax for foreign key personnel, which can result in lower tax rates for up to five years. Stockholm, as a hub for innovation, also offers support for expat entrepreneurs through its startup visa programme, designed to enable non-EU entrepreneurs to launch and run startups in Sweden.

Rome, Italy

The Eternal City, with its ancient ruins and timeless beauty, continues to be a top choice for UK expats. Rome’s history is palpable in every corner, offering a living museum as one’s backdrop. The Italian capital is also a food lover’s paradise, with a culinary tradition that is both rich and accessible. The slower pace of life and the warmth of the local people make Rome a welcoming city for those looking to immerse themselves in la dolce vita.

Italy has introduced a flat tax rate of €100,000 on all foreign income for new residents, which can be particularly advantageous for high-net-worth individuals. Rome, as the capital, is a prime location for those looking to take advantage of this regime. Additionally, Italy offers an ‘Investor Visa’ for those willing to make significant investments in strategic assets for the Italian economy.

Helsinki, Finland

We end our list of 2024’s most popular European cities for expats in Helsinki, which has made its mark as a haven for expatriates.

Helsinki stands out as a beacon of innovation and quality living, and Finland’s forward-thinking immigration policies reflect this ethos. The fast-track migration process for specialists and startup entrepreneurs ensures that moving to Helsinki is a smooth affair. The Finnish startup permit is a testament to the country’s commitment to fostering international entrepreneurship, offering non-EU founders a supportive base to launch and grow their businesses. 

Upon arrival, expats are integrated into the Finnish system with a personal identity code, streamlining access to a host of services and e-governance. Additionally, research and development tax incentives make Helsinki a magnet for those in the tech and innovation sectors, looking to benefit from Finland’s investment in their professional fields.

The Bottom Line

Whether it’s the sunny shores of Lisbon or the historic streets of Rome, there is a European city to suit every taste and ambition. 

As the world continues to change, these cities provide a sense of community and belonging for those looking to start anew, proving that the spirit of adventure and the quest for a better quality of life are as strong as ever among Brits abroad. That’s if they’ll have us, of course…

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