“They’re on a sabbatical”…they must be burnt out, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, feeling too frazzled to face another day in the office. Aren’t we all, quite frankly?
Where once the sabbatical was associated with this assumption – the word, after all, has its origins in the word sabbath, to rest – nowadays, the term has taken on a more diverse definition.
How things have changed, indeed. Sabbaticals are now one of the perks that the modern day company is offering to retain their staff and boost morale in the long run. But life (and your downtime) is what you make of it, and if you’re heading off on an adult gap year in the near future, then here are 7 tips to make the most of your sabbatical.
First things first, you don’t want to fall into the trap of spending your well earned escape working 40-hour weeks or scrolling through the never-ending abyss of social media.
So, start by contemplating the range of things you would like to do or what you’d like to get from the experience. From learning a new language to hiking the Inca trail, all the way to having breakfast in bed at a boutique hotel in Paris or learning to meditate (not all goals need to be grand after all), it’s essential to have a focus and set goals for your sabbatical.
It might even be worth adding those goals to a spreadsheet. The Guardian recommends scoring these ideas from one to five with “factors such as practicality, seriousness of intent, length of time needed” in order to narrow down your search and intentions into something affordable and, ultimately, achievable.
Perhaps a steely focus on your career has meant you’ve neglected your social life, with your friends and your family taking a back seat to business. Well, your sabbatical could be the ideal time to work on those friendships and relationships you’ve forsaken.
Why not invite your friends and family away with you for an adventure? From having someone there to share those amazing vistas with to enjoying the intimacy of a regular dining companion, travelling is simply better with friends.
Of course, it might not be easy for friends to simply up sticks and take a holiday at short notice. But if you have friends in faraway places, then travel to visit them. Having friends overseas is a great excuse to see a new part of the world. And there is no better way to experience new cities than with locals.
Read: 5 IDEAL gap year ideas
If you’ve just decided to take a gap year out of work, you may be at a loss for how to make the most of this incredible adventure whilst not going absolutely, you know, broke in the process.
Let’s face it, you can’t make the most out of your gap year if you have to skimp and save while you’re on it, and one of the main obstacles when it comes to a sabbatical is cost.
Fortunately, there are companies out there ready to facilitate a rich and fulfilling sabbatical for you, in exchange for your time or knowledge when you arrive at your destination. Consider Workaway, a program that allows travellers to find free accommodation and meals around the globe, all in return for helping their host with household needs, projects and odd jobs – think hostels, hotels, farmwork and more.
Indeed, this cultural exchange between traveller and host is an invaluable experience that can make your sabbatical a more worthwhile, nourishing chapter in your life. Other sites like HELPX, WWOOF, Worldpackers, HippoHelp and Volunteers Base offer a similar proposition. Do check them out.

Passionate about renaissance art? Enjoy working with young people? Always dreamt of learning a brand new language? If so, an online learning course can be a great way to pick up some new skills while you’re on your sabbatical. Learning at your own pace about a subject that fascinates you can reignite your passion for knowledge and boost your self-esteem as you master new disciplines.
Not to mention, many online courses can even be added to your CV, making you even more impressive to a potential future employer. Such courses cover a huge range of subjects and can even help you to prepare for university study, whether you’re fresh out of school or returning in later life.
Taking a sabbatical is largely about self-care, that’s a given, but if the last few years have taught is anything, it’s that self care isn’t possible without adopting an attitude of collective care, too. Enter the world of volunteering…
Many find themselves seeking ways to make a positive impact on the world, and the locations and communities they visit on a sabbatical can be a great way to do this. Global organisations such as Plan My Gap Year, Love Volunteers and Projects Abroad, and more region specific operations like Conservation Travel Africa, offer ambitious travellers a unique chance to offer help and assistance across the world, with companies such as this providing a variety of ways to support grassroots organisations through ethical volunteer work.
Here at IDEAL, you know we’re self proclaimed foodies. By exploring food from different corners of the globe, you’ll bring variety, deliciousness and most importantly, diversity of ingredients to your life.
Whatever destination you end up in, one of the best ways to learn about the country, its culture and meet the locals is through food. Take every opportunity when a conversation is struck up with a taxi driver, hotel receptionist, adjacent drinker or shopkeeper to ask for the best insider insight about where to eat local food. At the very least, you’ll unearth somewhere perhaps not in the guidebooks on your foodie holiday. At best, new friendships will be forged. Lovely stuff.

If at any point during your sabbatical you find yourself operating at cruise control, then it’s time to challenge yourself. Take the plunge, step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. You might not succeed – but you might just. Either way, you’ll learn so much doing so.
Oh, and while you’re here, considering stepping outside of that comfort zone, check out our article on 5 IDEAL reasons to go on a purpose driven holiday